The definition of character is keeping the resolve long after the mood in which resolve was made is gone.
Jan 2nd, 2019.
On a chilly NJ winter morning, I bundle up and drive to my regular gym. My favorite part of my gym was always the empty pool so that I can swim laps undisrupted. Once I reached the gym, all my enthusiasm disappeared as the parking lot was packed as well as the lap pool. I wondered what’s going on with people? How come all of a sudden, everyone wants to be fit and slim?
April 2nd, 2019.
Spring is in the air and the weather is warming up. As per my regular routine, I pack and drive to my regular gym, and guess what? Half of the parking lot is empty. What happened in 3 months? Did the gym increase their capacity? No. Fitness enthusiasts lost their enthusiasm. Now, only the serious ones who are determined to achieve the results they want to hit the gym on a consistent basis.
If colleges offer the same resources to all their students: professors, library books, office hours, how come only a select few graduates with a 4.0 GPA or having earned a spot on the Dean’s List, while others flunk out? It’s not about the resources or what you have at your disposal but rather what you do with it.
Have you heard the story of the ant and the grasshopper? In the story, the ant was focused on working hard consistently while the grasshopper was focused on having fun and getting distracted by every distraction.
My question is that on Jan 1st everyone set goals but why do only a few people achieve their goals? What happens to the people who don’t achieve their goals? While setting the goal, everyone intends on staying committed to their goals but not everyone does. Why?
Here are a few tips on how to overcome distractions and stay focused on your goal:
Set SMART Goals.
Your goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and time-bound.
Goals should be specific and include as much detail as possible. Your mind can focus when you give it clarity. For example, By Dec 31st, 2020, I want my income to increase by 25,000 $. Never put vague goals like, I want my income to increase. Another example could be, By Dec 31st, 2020, I want to lose 25 lbs. Never put, by end of the year I want to lose weight.
Goals should be measurable. You should be able to measure the progress because even small progress can keep you motivated.
Goals should be achievable. Don’t set goals out of reach so that you will not even put in the effort required to achieve them. Also, don’t set easy goals so that they do not stretch you or provide an opportunity for personal growth.
Goals should be realistic. If your goal looks like a pie in the sky you are not going to work towards it. I was always blessed to have a mentor who would help me set goals and also keep me accountable towards them.
Goals should always be time-bound. As I mentioned earlier, a good example of a time-bound goal SMART goal is, By Dec 31st, 2020, I want to lose 25 lbs instead of, I want to lose weight.
Surround yourself with your goals
Write down your goals on index cards and always keep them with you. Surround yourself with your goals. Make a vision board. Put your goals everywhere you can see them. This will always remind you to stay focused when distractions come into your life. Also, when you feel like giving up, read your goals so that you can stay focused.
Remove Temptations
If your goal is to lose 10 lbs by Dec 31st, 2020, stay away from junk food and parties. Keep in mind, that the only way you can stay away from junk food is by removing it from your kitchen, refrigerator, and pantry. By saying no to party invitations every night. If there is junk food in your kitchen, very soon you will give in to the temptations.
Seek out help
Find someone who has results that you want to achieve and see if they are willing to guide you. Do whatever it takes to qualify for their help. The best way to walk through a minefield without being blown away is by walking in someone else’s footsteps because you know they made it out okay. Also, when you feel like giving up, give a call to your mentor or accountability partner so that they can motivate you.
Associate and Dissociate
Associate with people who have similar goals in life and see if you can form an accountability team with them. At the same time dissociate from the people who have a habit of not following through on their commitments. Dissociate from the people who have lots of unfinished projects in their garage. There are some people who are great starters but never finish anything. They give up everything they started. Also, dissociate from people who would pull you down by telling you that you will never be able to achieve your goals so why work hard? Associate with people who would be your cheerleaders.
When our smartphone has unnecessary apps, its performance is impacted adversely. So, to improve the performance we remove unnecessary apps. Same thing with your life. Any activity which is not moving you forward towards your goals, remove it from your calendar.
Disown your helplessness
Develop a can-do attitude and if you hit a road block don’t focus on problems and whine. Instead focus on solutions and develop the attitude of a victor. Can-do people aggressively pursue solutions, and, in the process, uncover creative solutions others never even try to find. Rather than wallowing in helplessness, can-do people search diligently to overcome the obstacles in front of them.
Invest in personal growth
Invest your time and resources in personal growth. Leaders are readers. Educate yourself and learn the skills which can help you achieve your goals. Also invest in resources which can help you develop the mindset of a winner and high achiever.
Be Fearless and dream big
Take the bull by the horns. Identify the problem and work towards a solution.
Enter No Whining Zone
Enter the no whining zone. Abstain from complaining. Recognize its futility and guard your mind and mouth against indulging in this time-wasting activity.
Nurture Your Passion.
Become immune to burnout. Love what you do and learn how to fuel the fire that keeps you moving. The prize is not given to the person who’s the smartest, nor to the person with the advantages in resources and position, but to the person with passion. Your passion for your dreams will keep you consistent and persistent.
Quit stewing and start doing.
Take action. While others are crippled by worry, fear and anxiety, develop the fortitude to press forward. The perfect moment when all is safe and assured may never arrive, so why wait for it?
Follow through to the end.
Don’t just initiate, but make a resolve to finish. Be a self-starter with the capacity to close the deal.
Set great expectations
Expect a return as a result of your commitment. If you make an all-out commitment with a can-do attitude, expect a return. Passionate commitment is contagious, and resources follow resolve. Committed leaders will reap rewards and find open doors as others are drawn to the excitement and energy emanating from them.
Reward yourself on small achievements
Whenever you see small results and progress towards your goals, make sure to reward yourself. Just keep in mind that the reward should be directly proportional to the achievement.