Tips to develop success habits.

We all know that we humans are creatures of our habit and most of our habits are on autopilot governed by our subconscious mind. Research states that our subconscious mind is responsible for 90% of our habits and our habits are responsible for our destiny when repeated over a period of time on a consistent basis. Hence it is important to reprogram our subconscious mind with positive habit patterns.

For good habits, the consequence is first but the reward is later while for bad habits reward is immediate but the consequence comes later. For example, if someone has a habit of eating a donut every day, they will gain immediate pleasure but when they follow that habit for years, the consequence is ill health. Hence even though it is difficult to change self-sabotaging habits and it requires mindfulness, the outcome is totally worth the effort. With proper planning and preparation

Sometimes people think that forming positive habit patterns restricts their freedom but that is not true because when we form good habits, they increase our freedom. For example, with good money management habits, you will never be tied by a dollar bill and will have freedom from stress caused due to lack of money.

You might be wondering how do I develop positive habit patterns? Here are a few tips:

Don’t just depend on your willpower. Create a system that will empower you to form good habits and stick to them. First and foremost, remove all triggers from your environment that will tempt you to continue your self-sabotaging habits. If you have a habit of mindlessly eating junk food and candies that are impacting your health, remove all the triggers by removing all the junk food, sugary candies, and unhealthy deserts from your pantry. Remove all types of sodas from your refrigerator. If you have the habit of mindlessly spending the money you don’t have on things you don’t need just to impress a few friends, you can remove all the credit cards from your wallet. Keep them in a place that you cannot easily access. Don’t carry any credit cards with you when you go out. Just keep cash with you. Develop the habit of paying with cash. When you see the money leaving your pocket, it will help you realize the value of money and your spending habits. Also, it will help you stay away from credit card debts. So, step 1 is to identify the bad habit that you want to replace with a good one. Step 2 is to identify a trigger responsible for that bad habit. Journaling will help you be mindful about identifying the habit and the trigger. Step 3 is the replace the trigger with a facilitator. A facilitator is a person or a thing that makes action easier. So, once you remove the junk food from your pantry and refrigerator, replace it with fruits, vegetables, and wholesome highly nutritious food. To overcome the habit of mindlessly browsing social media or watching late night TV that impacts your sleep, remove the TV from the bedroom, do not carry the cell phone or smart devices to your bed and then replace it with a self-help book. Replace the habit of watching TV or browsing social media with reading a great self-help book. If you have habit of skipping gym, you can start with putting your gym clothes on your night stand or the dresser so that you have access to them as soon as you wake up and they will remind you to show up at gym.

It takes 90 days to replace or form a habit. No one wakes up with diabetes one fine morning. It probably took years of unhealthy habits to reach to this point. In the same manner it will take years of healthy habits to change the results and create a better life. It’s called compound effect. Compound effect is the principle of reaping huge rewards from the series of small consistent success habits performed day in day out persistently.

In short, you got my point. I am sure these tips will help you to change your habits.