
While growing up the life lessons which I learned from my Dad became the support system for me later on in rough times. One such lesson was about staying persistent.

One day I was sitting on a swing on the porch of our home in India, with my dad enjoying the cool breeze when he pointed to a spider trying to weave a web and told me to observe it. First of all, I did not understand, why he wanted me to observe a spider but after a few minutes of observation, I learned something which stayed with me forever. That day, a spider was my teacher.

I saw that while weaving the web, the spider fell several times. Due to the wind, his web broke several times but he never gave up. He changed the location of the web but did not give up weaving the web. No matter how many times he fell or his web broke, he was focused and persistent in weaving a web. After several tries, he finally succeeded and weaved a beautiful web.

That day my dad taught me the importance of staying persistent in life through a spider. A parent or coach can teach us some very important life lessons for our personal growth if we are teachable. The universe will become our university if we just observe and learn.